zz3. Production Assistant Payment Request (TCS ONLY) - CN Support Center
CHANGE AS OF 5/4/2019: ONLY USE THIS FORM FOR TCS ONLY SUBMISSIONS... OTHERWISE YOU MUST USE http://PRODUCTIONQA.DOCU.TEAM to sumbit your TCS AND CATALOG BUILD OUTS... We will be paying from this new process when it is BOTH TCS AND CATALOG. PLEASE NOTE: Payment is made only from this system for the production team (TCS ONLY). If you believe payment was incorrect we will be happy to fix it. Just request a statement so you can determine which ones did not get recorded here and processed. Once you find those that are missing you can resubmit them here for payment during the next pay cycle. THIS CHANGE WILL ALSO HELP US LOOK FOR DUPLICATE ENTRIES.

Choose 1
By CLICKING SUBMIT BELOW I verify that this work has been done properly and the business I have built out is the correct one and did not make a mistake by building out another business with a similar name.